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Book Speaker / Advisory on Design Thinking

Michael Lewrick, PhD

Larry Leifer, PhD

Patrick Link, PhD

C-1 / Michael

Michael has had different roles over the last few years. He was responsible for strategic growth, acted as Chief Innovation Officer, and laid the foundation for numerous growth initiatives in sectors that are in a transition. He teaches Design Thinking as a visiting professor at various universities. With his help, a number of international companies have developed and commercialized radical innovations. He postulated a new mindset of converging approaches of design thinking in digitization

C-3 /  Larry

Larry is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering Design and founding director of the Center for Design Research at Stanford (CDR) and of the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford. He is one of the most influential personalities and pioneers of design thinking. He brought design thinking to the world, putting the focus on working in interdisciplinary teams

C-2 / Patrick

Patrick has been Professor for Product Innovation at the chair for Industrial Engineering/ Innovation at Lucerne University of Applied Science–Technology & Architecture since 2009. He studied Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich, then worked as a Project Engineer before receiving his doctorate in the field of innovation management at ETH Zurich. After eight years at Siemens, he now teaches product management and deals intensively with the advancement of agile methods in product management, design thinking, and lean start-up.

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Verlag C.H.BECK oHG
Presse und Lizenzen

Frau Kathrin Moosmang
Wilhelmstraße 9

80801 Munich (Germany)
Fon: +49 (89) 381 89 666

E / Versus Publisher

Versus Verlag AG

Judith Henzmann
Merkurstrasse 45

8032 Zürich (Switzerland)

Telefon: +41 (0)44 251 08 92

F / Wiley Publisher

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Richard Narramore

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